As a parent, I have always wanted to cultivate independence in practical life skills.  I want my children to go into the world with the ability to make a repertoire of healthy meals, the ability to care for the basic maintenance of an apartment or home as well as the ability to manage their money well.

Cooking is really important to me, probably because I LOVE COOKING.  Just like I know how to read, but I had to learn how to teach my children to read, I have found I need a little help teaching my kids how to cook. 

My children, I think like all children, want to do what I am doing.  They don’t want a play kitchen and play food, they want to work in a real kitchen with real food.  This led to lots of frustration for all of us.  They felt stifled in their desire to learn and grow, and I felt like I didn’t know how to be patient in a real-time meal making scenario.

Several years ago I learned for Katie Kimball’s course “Kids Cook Real Food” and I FINALLY took the plunge and enrolled us when it was on sale last year.

It’s a game changer, Katie takes you through what you need to know (and buy) to take your kids through different levels of cooking skills (beginner, intermediate and advanced).  She takes the time to isolate each skill and practice it.

She also has a course that we have access to called “Kids Cook Solo” designed for kids 8 and up to basically take the course which includes videos, recipe making as well as quizzes.  Since Katie was an elementary school teacher, she also has the kids present their learned skills to their parents.  She takes the time to teach kids presentation skills!  She is amazing.  I highly recommend this course, which is about a $50 value.

If you are interested in getting this course for LESS THAN $50, I want you to go over to this website and catch the recording of this webinar by Katie Wired for Wisdom: How to Train Your Child’s Brain For a Lifetime of Natural Living  It’s 1 hour and 22 minutes, so plan to play this while you do a mindless task (if you are like me that means prepping school materials or doing dishes) 

I find her course to be so helpful and it’s brought so much peace and fun to our home to have a weekly cooking lesson for each kid.  How I am running things right now is my 7 and 5 year old are working on the Kids Cook Real Food beginner level with their dull knife skills and my 8 year old is working through the first module of Kids Cook Solo.  On Wednesday night we used the spice blend she made in our meatballs for dinner.  

That’s what so great about her system is they children practice skills that build up to a healthy snack, or reduce the adults cooking time!  

To catch the webinar, click here!  

Birth is a very special time in your life, but it's one day out of the entire childbearing year.  

You are meant to have a positive experience.  You can navigate all the challenges and concerns during pregnancy, birth and beyond with grace and ease.  

I support you with personalized coaching, pregnancy health, childbirth education, breastfeeding/formula feeding preparation as well as preparing for postpartum and even returning to work!  

Learn more about Sage Motherhood Mentorship and book your free call with me today! 


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