Supplement So Baby Gains Enough Weight

Supplement So Baby Gains Enough Weight
Determining the correct amount to supplement depends on ensuring your baby gains an appropriate amount of weight per day, based on their age. Techniques such as using an at-breast supplementer or controlling bottle nipple flow can help maintain breastfeeding dynamics and reduce feeding issues like reflux or excessive gas. Supplementation should be tailored to individual needs, allowing for flexibility and support as you and your baby navigate this part of your breastfeeding journey.


Lavender Essential Oil is an Adaptogen

Did you know that Lavender Essential Oil is an adaptogen? It’s true, in fact several essential oils meet the criteria for adaptogens.

What are adaptogens?
Adaptogens are herbals that minimize the stress response in be body. According to Ric Scalzo, “to be an considered an adaptogen, herbs have to be non-toxic to the body’s physiological functions, offer widespread support, and help bring the body back to equilibrium. 

Put simply, adaptogens help bring the body to homeostasis. Homeostasis is the term for when the body’s systems are in balance. 

Stress is actually good for us, if we are in danger our brain sends power to our legs, optimizes respiratory function, turns off creative thinking so that we can get ourselves out of danger, quickly.

The problem is, the modern world we are very frequently experiencing stress that isn’t actually “a bear is chasing me” type of danger.  Ringing phones, social media alerts, news stories, financial worries, job securities and and ever-changing world have many of us in “Flight or Flight” more frequently than we ought to.

This puts our bodies in a frequent cortisol loop which actually leads to degenerative processes, including chronic inflammation.

More and more autoimmune conditions are believed to be triggered by emotional stress.  In 2019, my husband had a scheduled vasectomy and one week before surgery, he lost his dream job.  This led to not only financial concerns, but also a loss of community for our entire family. Then he had surgery, after his recovery he experienced itching, redness, flaking of the skin on the front of his neck.  Psoriasis.  This condition is triggered by the immune system and is also linked to stress. His body couldn’t keep up with the physical and emotional assault on his body.  It was several weeks before we got the psoriasis under control.

One of the ways we did this was by using lavender essential oil in a roller. Long before we even knew it was an adaptogen, he benefitted from the lavender. 

This week in Sage Modern Wellness, we’re going to be diving into lavender essential oil and different ways lavender can be used as part of your stress management plan.
We’ll feature Lavender Mocktail, a linen spray for kids, a chill pill and some other evidence based and practical uses of Lavender.

Join my free, off Facebook, community: Sage Modern Wellness to get access to this practical information on Lavender Oil.

 You're probably so excited about welcoming your baby into your home, if you're like most moms you're probably flipping through a few books, you've download some apps, and listening to your friend's and family's experience.  You're probably doing your part to be a star patient for your doctor or midwife.

I totally get that, and this is actually a problem because you're going to get you varied, sometimes conflicting advice that might not even work for your circumstance, and here is the kicker: lots of time's it not evidence-based guidance. 

Instead of that, I want to offer you that working with a doula from your first trimester through your postpartum time is actually going to give you what you really need: cohesive information, expert guidance and the emotional support that every new mom deserves.  It's like having an a doula in your pocket (or purse if that's where you keep your phone)

Hiring a Digital Doula is the best way to have a positive experience during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum.  I would love to be your digital doula. 

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