Money Making Proverbs 31 Woman

In ancient Israel, this woman who is praised for her strength and assumed godliness, worked. She worked outside of the home.
Biblical Womanhood is Cultural Belief 
This is a cultural belief that has been branded as Biblical. Beth Allison Barr articulates the history of “Biblical Womanhood” so well in her book “The Making of Biblical Womanhood you can buy it from an independent book store here or on amazon
I highly recommend reading this piece in the New Yorker I love this quote
This is not about deconstructing faith, it’s about deconstructing culture.
Beth Allison Barr
There is nothing unethical or ungodly about women (or anyone) earning money
There is nothing unethical or ungodly about a woman earning money or desiring to earn money.
Money does not solve every problem but here are some of the problems it DOES solve
access to:
- Food
- Water
- Electricity
- Internet Access
- Clothing
- Transportation
- Educational Access
- Legal Support
- Therapy
- Medical Care
- Giving to causes you believe in
- Anxiety over needs being met
- Pain (via massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, health care)
The list could go on and on. The point here is that our human needs very, very often require money. In some Christian cultures, we’ve taken the wisdom of Jesus not to trust in money to an unhealthy extreme.
Deuteronomy 8:17-18 highlight the tendency of many to reply on their ability to earn wealth, which can be come an idol. Nothing here shows that meeting your needs or even having abundance is any sort of moral issue.
Here’s what I want to encourage you to do: make a list of all the women in Scripture who earned money. Notice how many of them are criticized for that.
The Wife of Noble Character Strength engages in the marketplace. Don’t let John Piper or anyone obsessed with him tell you that you cannot or should not.
Processing these beliefs
Take a moment and journal out your thoughts about earning income as a woman. Here are some prompts
Do I have physical discomfort when I think about money?
What emotions come up when thinking about being a woman, wife, mother who earns money.
What thoughts are associated with those emotions?
What is the source of those THOUGHTS? where did you learn that? who taught you?
Who benefits from this message? Who is harmed by this message?
Let’s Rise Up
Around the globe when there are natural disasters or crisis, non-government organizations step in to help. Most of these organizations operate under the belief that supporting women to make money is the way to long-term solve problems
A working mom in East Africa means she can afford to send her daughters to school.
A woman in a disempowering marriage who can earn money to pay for her needs and children’s needs, changes their quality of life and generations to come.
A woman in the US who is in an abusive marriage, can move herself and children to safety when she has access to income.
Women earning money is a GOOD thing. Women having economic opportunity, that is not dangerous to them, is a GOOD thing.
Money is morally neutral.
We’ve bought into a lie that money is inherently evil.
We’ve also bought into a lie that Biblical Womanhood means God designed us to have a man provide for our needs. This is PATRIARCHY, not Christianity.
If you want to shift your thoughts around money & christianity, I’d love to help! Grab a free Assessment & Planning session with me and I’ll help you get clear on a path forward to take critical action towards your goal in the next six months.

I totally get that, and this is actually a problem because you're going to get you varied, sometimes conflicting advice that might not even work for your circumstance, and here is the kicker: lots of time's it not evidence-based guidance.
Instead of that, I want to offer you that working with a doula from your first trimester through your postpartum time is actually going to give you what you really need: cohesive information, expert guidance and the emotional support that every new mom deserves. It's like having an a doula in your pocket (or purse if that's where you keep your phone)
Hiring a Digital Doula is the best way to have a positive experience during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I would love to be your digital doula.
The Love of Money is the Root of All Kinds of Evil
This passage from Scripture has been one of the things that held me back from desiring and really reaching for more income. In fact, in 2016 I *finally* bougt a Starter Bundle of essential oils that I was longing for for YEARS and I was triggered when I saw that their motto was ”wellness, purpose, abundance”
I truly saw the idea of financial abundance as a path towards evil. As if only certain people could handle large amouts of money without turning evil. I figured I wasn’t one of those people.
You can check out how I have been able to love money as much as I love chicken parmigiana, tiramisu, massages, horses, travel and swimming. Click the image to catch the view on Instagram.
The truth is, loving money (like you do your favorite color, food and place on earth is VERY VERY different than a harmful obsession and lust for money. You can actually tell pretty easy when you’ve moved from a love that feels like fun, gratitude, humility, peace, joy….to an obsession or lust that feels like scarcity, fear, lack, obsession.
Your actions become different too, when you love money in a way that’s healthy and positive you see ways money can help people and causes. When you lust for money in a way that’s harmful you look for ways to hoard your money, keep it out of other people’s hand and ways you can cut corners even if it is hurtful to others.
The fear of loving money is part of what holds so many female entrepreneurs back from earning what they‘re work is worth, from being able to invest in their future, support their families well and access peace of mind.
Fear that we aren’t worthy of it, fear that we’ll be corrupted by it. These are big concerns and it can be debilitating to move from fear to love. From scarcity to abundance, from hopelessness to hopeful.
This is EXACTLY why Martina, Tanya and Ihave created the Bad Ass Money Masterind, BAMM for short. BAMM will show you exactly how to shift your mindset about money, handle your triggers surrounding money, release old money stories and realign your energy to welcome more financial abundance.
If you are sick and tired of doing all the work and getting lousy result. If you are tired of watching others level up with the same heart and passion you have and you’re stuck. This mastermind is for you. Learn more here and then sign up using the link on that page. This is an absolute STEAL at this low of a price for this much content. It will *never* be available again at this price.

I totally get that, and this is actually a problem because you're going to get you varied, sometimes conflicting advice that might not even work for your circumstance, and here is the kicker: lots of time's it not evidence-based guidance.
Instead of that, I want to offer you that working with a doula from your first trimester through your postpartum time is actually going to give you what you really need: cohesive information, expert guidance and the emotional support that every new mom deserves. It's like having an a doula in your pocket (or purse if that's where you keep your phone)
Hiring a Digital Doula is the best way to have a positive experience during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I would love to be your digital doula.