I want to offer a few of my favorite things to simplify your days, because they simplify mine as a homeschooling + working mom of five kids.
1. Air Fryer
When we tried our very first air fryer, it was cool, but it took us like 3-4 batches and over an hour to make the food. The first batches were cold and that was just kinda a bummer.
We received this as a gift from a very dear friend, and I honestly think it would be worth $300 because of how it simplifies clean up and saves me time
Three Favorite Ways We use the airfryer
1. Roasted Potatoes & Turkey Bacon
- Sweet Potatoes and Russet Potatoes: chop into small-ish pieces
- Spray with avocado oil
- Salt & stir
- spread potatoes around the edges of each tray
- place 3-4 turkey bacon strips in the middle of each tray
- Set to 400F for 8-10 minutes, rotate trays
- Continue for another 8-10 minutes, rotate trays
- Continue for final 6-8 minutes & serve
2. Burgers---What??
- Line each tray with foil to really simple clean up
- place 2 burgers per tray, we use Salmon burgers & Beef Burgers
- Set to 400F for 15 minutes
- Serve!
3. Cookies - Yes, I am serious
- Follow Instructions, but instead of pre-heating your oven, preheat your air-fryer
- Rotate Cookies for the final 4 minutes and final 2 minutes
- if you rotate your cookies too soon, it messes with the rising. So let's say they are 12 minute cookies, rotate at 8min and 10 minute marks
Special Notes: An air fryer saves on energy + heat (so important for me in the warm Sonoran Desert); they do not cook all things perfectly. This is why I have some modifications and typically rotate all three trays by the total cook time. Generally speaking, the "middle" tray gets the least crispy. Final note: often the food on the edges cooks faster, which is why I make my potatoes they way I described.
2. Planner & Accessories
My Favorite Pens https://amzn.to/3GDHcCP
My Favorite Planner, the winter one is going to be available in a few days! https://amzn.to/3Vcq1fK
New Sparkly Sticky Tabs https://amzn.to/3EyErjc

3. Positive Parenting
Positive Parenting is not a quick route to get your kids to cooperate, but the truth is you want to so much more than immediate, surface-level compliance. You want children who are self-motivated to be kind and compassionate. You do this by offering emotional connection, personal power and by having routines and rhythms that allow you to reduce power struggles.
My Gentle Parenting Mini-Course is not yet available for sale, so I want to offer you a sweet deal on the parenting program that gave me the tools I needed. The skills I did not learn in Sunday School, College, My home, my church. I learned the skills that make parenting easier. Relationships easier. Bedtime Easier. Getting out the door easier. Chores without constant power struggles. Does that sound good to you???
You can get the $350 Gold Plan for $249 and payment plans are available
If you use my code, you will also get 6 weeks of Coaching with me, as you work through the modules and implement changes. This allows you 1:1 coaching with me knowing we have the same framework and tools.
Once you order, click the button below to fill out the contact form so I can get you confirmed and added to Telegram Coaching
I recommend, and paid out of pocket for the GOLD level, it's worth it. Having lifetime access allows you to revisit topics as your children grow.

I totally get that, and this is actually a problem because you're going to get you varied, sometimes conflicting advice that might not even work for your circumstance, and here is the kicker: lots of time's it not evidence-based guidance.
Instead of that, I want to offer you that working with a doula from your first trimester through your postpartum time is actually going to give you what you really need: cohesive information, expert guidance and the emotional support that every new mom deserves. It's like having an a doula in your pocket (or purse if that's where you keep your phone)
Hiring a Digital Doula is the best way to have a positive experience during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I would love to be your digital doula.