Which essential oils can be used for seasonal allergies? Well. to begin I can not offer you any diagnosis or treatment or promise any kind of cure. Every body works differently and therefore if you and I use the same protocol, it's almost certain we will get different results. I do want to answer a few questions for you though, so that hopefully you can get swift relief from your allergy symptoms. Especially, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding and cannot use your normal OTCs.
1. What happens in the body with a seasonal allergy?
According to Yale Medicine, "When you come in contact with a substance that you’re allergic to, called an allergen, your immune system treats it as an intruder. In response, your immune system releases chemicals such as histamines, leukotrienes and prostaglandins, which cause a cluster of allergic symptoms: runny eyes and nose, itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and coughing." Common symptoms include:
- Congestion
- Sneezing
- Itchy eyes, nose and throat
- Runny nose and eyes
- Post nasal drip (drainage in the throat)
- Fatigue
- Coughing
These symptoms are not only difficult to experience, they are also exhausting. Traditional OTCs and prescription medications often include: antihistamines, corticosteroids, mast cell stabilizers and decongestants. The down side of antihistamines is that they can make you drowsy and if you're breastfeeding most of them will reduce milk supply. Oral corticosteroids bring potential increase in blood pressure, fluid retention in lower legs, weight gain, upset stomach and mood swings. In pregnancy, benefits must outweigh risks as they can be linked to low birth weight, cleft palate and adrenal suppression. Mast Cell Stabilizers have limited safety data for pregnancy and breastfeeding, but they also tend to be quite costly. Decongestants can make you sleepy but for pregnant and breastfeeding women, they aren't recommended. This is why essential oils are a great tool in your wellness arsenal.
2. What does research say about essential oils and seasonal allergies?
One study found that plant derived essential oils contain compounds that can treat asthma my modulating the release ofcytokines and the supression of inflammatory cell accumulation. A 2022 study found "inhalation of Peppermint Leaf Essential Oils effectively restores tight junctions and suppresses inflammation in the allergic rhinitis model. These results reveal that EOM has a therapeutic mechanism to treat allergic rhinitis. Another study found a nasal spray containing: Ravintsara, Geranium, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Niaouli relived perrenial allergic rhinitis. randomized controlled trial showed that the inhalation of blended oil from Ravintsara, Frankincense, and Sandalwood alleviated subjective symptoms, improved the disease-specific quality of life, and reduced fatigue among adult patients with perennial allergic rhinitis. This intervention also has potential for improvement in sleep quality. Ginger essential was shown to relieve nasal congestion.
3. Which essential oils are most commonly used for seasonal allergy relief?
Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint also known as LLP
My husband is down with LLP (yeah you know me!) because it made the difference between using his inhaler multiple times a day to once or twice a year. I made a 10ml roller bottle with 10 drops of each essential oil and filled it with V6 carrier oil. We probably remix this blend every 9 months. He would use it before mowing the grass or doing any work that moved around dust. It's kept his allergy-induced asthma almost dormant. He's used his inhaler less than 10 times in 9 years.
So that you can have a clear relief plan and stock up on the essential oils that will best support your needs.
I highly recommend diffusing this blend as well: 2 drops each in your diffuser and run intermittently.
Diffusing and topical application both work well. To diffuse: add 2 drops each oil and run intermittently.
To make a roller: add 10 drops each oil to a 10ml roller bottle and fill with V6 Vegetable Oil Blend carrier oil.
The power of LLP, squared. This convenient blend of: Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Goldenrod and Eucalyptus Blue is premixed. It can be used straight from any direct diffusers like the Wakeup Smart Diffuser, Luna Mist and the Duet.
Melrose is a blend of Niaouli, Tea Tree, Clove and Rosemary. It has a very cleansing aroma that can help reduce nasal discomfort. It contains Niaouli which has been shown to reduce symptoms of seasonal allergies.
Containing Pine, Blue Spruce, Peppermint, Cypress and three varieties of eucalyptus, this powerful blend works to improve respiratory function.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Many times I've heard people claim that essential oils are too expensive and inconvenient. However, I want to point out a few things: a standard package dose of an OTC for seasonal allergies come at about $0.75 per dose (two pills) Whereas one dose (a drop) of Season Essentials is $0.21 a dose, and you get 250 doses per bottle and they don't expire (though I still recommend using most essential oils within 2 years to avoid evaporation). The a bottle Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint also comes out to the same price as season essentials - this blend would give you 270 doses for $0.19 per dose. Additionally, when you make the choice to start using gentle, effective and safe essential oils you can get 24% discount with Loyalty Rewards, saving even more money and earning points that you can redeem after 3 months for free product.
Get Started with Essential Oils Today
Use any of the hyperlinks above and set add items to your cart: to save 24% instead of hitting "add to cart" press "create loyalty order. " This sets up a monthly order (you change your order every month to build up a stash of essential oils, low-toxin cleaning, skin care and nutritional supplements). The loyalty order can be for ANY amount, but once you spend 50PV you earn points for future free products.
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