Episode 23

Moms Need Rest, 
More Than Resolutions

Free Resources 

Looking for Support During Your First Trimester?

Looking for birth affirmations or shifting your thoughts around pregnancy and birth?

Looking for a Homebirth or VBAC?  It's a different path 

Work with Me

Desiring the highest level or perinatal support? 

Need Lactation and/or Infant Feeding Support? 

 Looking for Postpartum Support? 
 Postpartum Strategy Session

Struggling with colic, newborn sleep or bonding?

Let's talk about the pressures of society that make moms think they need to start fresh with eating, exercise, habit and self discipline goals just because it's January.

This Episode is brought to you by Sage Motherhood Mentorship

Instead of looking at the Gregorian calendar to determine where our intentions and energy go, instead let's look at the ebbs and flows reflected in the seasons, lunar cycle, menstrual cycle and childbearing year.

In this episode you'll learn how to best maximize your energy and intentions in the first, second, third and fourth trimesters.  You'll also learn how to tap into similar flows if you are not pregnant and not menstruating and how to do it if you are menstruating.

More than likely, you find yourself enjoying a little more cozniness and sleep right now, it's probably NOT the time for you to jump back into the gym and eat 14 salads a week.  I'll help you learn how to listen to your body for what it needs and respond to that.

Looking to get support in your first trimester?  Join me in First Trimester Mamas, it's a free Facebook group and we are starting a 5 day challenge to help you boost your prenatal nutrition in very practical and achievable ways.

In your second or third trimester?  Let me help support you holistically with pregnancy, birth, postpartum,  and newborn care educaton.  As well as 1:1 and group support to help you have an experience that is enjoyable and peaceful.  Join me in Sage Motherhood Mentorship

Want to learn more about my passion for the childbearing year and my vision for moms?  Listen to Episode 1 (scroll to bottom)

Postpartum or Struggling with Infant Feeding?  Reach out (even if you are supplementing or using formula exclusively, I can help) book at Consult now. 

Finally, if you find yourself struggling or unsure if how you feel is normal, please take the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale

Information courtesy of Stefanie Melo

Copyright Stefanie Melo