A Vision that Shakes the Status Quo
Episode 12

A vision for mothers, babies, fathers, partners and community around the childbearing year. 

There is a lot to consider when pregnant and welcoming a new baby, and it goes far beyond the technical & physical aspects like getting on a prenatal vitamin, choosing a provider and researching car seats.   It even goes beyond hiring a doula, taking childbirth education classes and reading a breastfeeding book.

What you actually need

To have an experience that you look back on with fondness and gratitude instead of relief is to be emotionally, physically, mentally prepared & supported.

Our society is pretty okay at preparation, but lacking in support. 

We often forget that our emotional and mental health is more important than the physical experience. 

My vision is for

Wise, intuitive, healthy and confident mamas

Healthy, happy and developmentally supported babies.

Partners who are open to nuance and complexity and prioritize the health of their relationship with a mama who is rapidly changing. 

Dads, Parents see the importance of  forming healthy attachments and understand how to do that. 

My vision for siblings to witness this transformation in mama and still feel loved, accepted and significant.

My vision is that extended family and community who LISTEN to mama.

For a community that is so good that every mama has multiple people offer to coordinate meal drop offs, and help around the house for the first six weeks.

My vision is for you to be radically resourced throughout the childbearing year. 

Does this vision speak to you?  Do you desire a childbearing year so good you can’t help but talk about it?  Book your free consultation with me today: www.calendly.com/stefanie-melo

Curious about Sage Motherhood Mentorship?
Get all the details here:

As you prepare yourself for the type of birth you desire, make sure to head over to get my FREE

Are you looking for a VBAC, Homebirth or Natural Birth?  Prepare yourself with my masterclass The Road Not Taken
I am currently enrolling mamas in Sage Motherhood Mentorship in September (all due dates welcome).  I have three spots left so secure yours today! 

Copyright Stefanie Melo