Episode 21

First Trimester Tips

Free Resources 

Looking for Support During Your First Trimester?

Looking for birth affirmations or shifting your thoughts around pregnancy and birth?

Longing for a homebirth or VBAC?  

Work with Me

Desiring the highest level of perinatal support?

Need Lactation Support?

 Looking for Postpartum Support?
 Postpartum Strategy Session

Struggling with newborn colic, sleep or bonding?

You’re Pregnant!  Now What?

In Episode 21, I’ve got five first-trimester tips to help set you on a path of evidence-based wholistic prenatal care.

  • In this episode we talk about making peace with your emotions during pregnancy, and my favorite tool for supporting emotional well-being in motherhoood https://stefaniemelo.com/page/journals

  • We discuss the importance or prenatal nutrition and I share my favorite multivitamin that I used in my last three pregnancies.

  • I share some nuanced ideas on keeping your pregnancy a secret or sharing your pregnancy during the uncertain first trimester.

  • I share why it’s important to do your own research in the first trimester and find out how to get evidence based care.

  • Why more pregnancy tests probably aren’t going to be helpful

And I offer a special invitation to my new private facebook group for First Trimester Mamas where you can get education and emotional support during this special time – even if the general public can’t know you’re expecting yet. 

I would love to hear your thoughts and questions on this episode, please get in touch!

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Information courtesy of Stefanie Melo

Copyright Stefanie Melo