Meeting Your Breastfeeding Goals
1. The Milk Suppy Equation
Sufficient glandular tissue + Functioning hormones and hormone receptors + adequate, frequent, effective milk removal + intact neural pathways and ducts = healthy milk supply. 

2. Infant Communication
Understand infant cries, body lanaguage & respond appropriately.

3. Variables  
Not all bodies work the same,
Your support system impacts your experience
Values impact your choices.

4. Evidence Based Breastfeeding Goals
Exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months and showing signs of readiness
Nursing until 2 years and mutually desirable, globally 4 is the common age of weaninag
Introduce solids at 6 month and when showing signs of readiness, without reducing milk intake.

Create your goals with these four factors in mind, then adjust as necessary.

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Undestand why you want to buck the status quo in maternity care with The Road Not Taken

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Join me in claiming a postive pregnancy, beautiful birth and peaceful postpartum in  Sage Motherhood
Get your free prenatal affirmations here

Copyright Stefanie Melo