Episode 28

The Importance of Responding to Baby's Cues

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Local to Chandler, Arizona, and looking for guidance about creating a baby registry?

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In this episode, I talk about the importance of responding to baby's cues in terms of
  • Biological development
  • Fostering secure attachment
  • Cultivating mental well-being
We also discuss the importance of being aware of your own attachment styles and emotional triggers.  You can learn more about attachment styles from Robyn Gobbel. 

A human baby's design is GOOD and its capacity for adaptation is incredible.  

Preparation for parenthood ought to include preparing the physical environment, preparing your mind by understanding infant development and needs as well as preparing emotionally for the intensity of newborn life.  I can help you with all of this.

To learn more about how to create a baby registry that sets you up for success join me in Chandler, AZ on March 16 at 9:30 a.m. at Dulce Vida Coffee - Register for Free

I share more about newborn cues, communication, and soothing techniques in Infant Massage & Newborn Care for Sage Mamas and Papas.  

You can get access to both of those in Sage Motherhood Mentorship my comprehensive program to guide you through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.  Use the link to book your free consultation to see if I am the Mama Mentor for you.

Other Resources:

Information courtesy of Stefanie Melo


Copyright Stefanie Melo