In this episode I interview Shanon Smith, CNM.  Shannon was my doula for my first, fourth and fifth homebirths.  In our interview we discuss: 
  • Shannon's desire to become a midwife and her career path.  
  • Ideas for how those birthing in hospital can achieve a birth they desire.  
  • Suggestions for finding a provider who is VBAC friendly.  
  • Postpartum mental health resources. 
  • As you prepare yourself for the type of birth you desire, please download my prenatal affirmations the beautiful PDF & audio recordings will support you in mastering your mindset for birth.
As you prepare yourself for the type of birth you desire, make sure to head over to Prenatal Affirmations

Are you looking for a VBAC or Homebirth?  Prepare yourself with my masterclass The Road Not Taken
These both grant you access to Sage Motherhood Podcast Community where you can also grab my special offer: a free 30 minute coaching call! 


Copyright Stefanie Melo