Episode 17

Postpartum Recovery with a Toddler

Tips for Postpartum Recovery with a Toddler
  1. Communicate with your toddler.
  2. Practice Empathy
  3. Prioritize Connection with your toddler
  4. Practice maximum toddler effort
  5. Ask for help
  6. Look into the Montessori approach to foster appropriate independence for your children.
Postpartum can be peaceful and beautiful and honestly so much fun with a toddler in tow.  However, that peace comes from cultivating it and preparing yourself and your environment for a peaceful transition.
Recovery on it's own is so counter-cultural, so if you would like help with this, please book a consultation with me.  We'll look at your unique circumstances so that you can cultivate a soft landing for your family's expansion.

This is part of what we do in Sage Motherhood Mentorship, which is my program for the childbearing year.  Not only do you get prenatal education, birth preparation, postpartum planning and newborn care you also get to learn about infant and parent bonding and attachment in my infant massage course.  I support you through dozens of pre-recorded classes and a one-to-one mentorship hybrid.
I'm so happy for you and your growing famiy and I'd love to support your transition learn more about Sage Motherhood Mentorship

I'd love to have you grab my free prenatal affirmations to support you in moving towards this birth mindset that delivers.  Techniques and tools that will help you manage your anxiety and hold yourself in birth in a way that feels really good.

Ready to be radically resourced during your childbearing year?  Work with me in Sage Motherhood Mentorship, I'll support you to create the mindset, emotions, physical space and practical support for a year that feels sacred and transformative even if you experience anxiety.  

Connect with me, this is the best place to get your consult set up.

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Information courtesy of Stefanie Melo


Copyright Stefanie Melo