Getting Ready to Give Birth?

I offer women and partners tools for coping with discomfort, 
worry and unexpected challenges

What My Clients Say
“Stefanie is a phenomenal doula and my son's birth wouldn't have been as smooth without her. Prior to my delivery day, Stefanie met with me to discuss my birth plan, how my pregnancy was progressing and to learn information about myself and my family. She was very open and receptive to my plan and never once tried to sway me to do something different. I was very comfortable with her especially knowing she had first hand experience with birth via her children's births. She's very knowledgeable about natural birth, breastfeeding and cloth diapers. She was always available by phone or email and scheduled in person meetings as needed.”

Did You Know more than HALF of pregnant women experience anxiety and depression while pregnant?
Anxiety and Depression are serious issues, and when they go unchecked it can set women up for a cycle of harmful beliefs, behaviors and habits.

We all want what is best for ourselves and our precious babies.  We do well, when we can.  Sometimes we just don’t know the way.

Birth is a separate, mysterious medical  event in they eyes of most.  It is almost secret, and secrets fuel insecurity and fear.

The perinatal year (pregnancy, birth, postpartum) needs  to be brought into the light.  Let’s pull back the curtain and see what we are really dealing with, and embrace the challenges it presents.

Are you ready to learn, in plain english, what’s going on with your body, hormones, you heart when  it comes to the childbearing year?

You Can Do This!
 I can help

 You are meant for confidence, strength and power.

That is not the common birth and postpartum experience though is it?

Many women worry about every choice they make during pregnancy, then accidentally hand off their power in the delivery room.

How do you move from uncertainty, worry and feeling disempowered 
to confidence, strength & power?

You  learn from someone who knows.

Your doctor/midwife has the role of supporting normal gestation and delivery.

Your doula supports you physically and emotionally in labor.

You are the one and only gatekeeper of your mind and body.
You are the one to carry the baby,
You are the one who pushes the baby out,
You are the one that feeds the baby.

Shouldn’t you be the most empowered person in the team?  Shouldn’t your partner be equipped to protect your emotional space?
You want a coach for the for pregnancy, birth and postpartum

With 12 years in the field, I have seen countless moms set up for disappointment, trauma and mood disorders.

Let me walk you through a plan to get you the best birth possible.

Empowered, Confident and Strong
Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this different from an in person doula?
The biggest difference is the hands on aspect of labor support.  I wont be there to massage you, I need to equip your partner for that.  I wont be able to use all my senses to recognize what’s happening.  This is why we focus on educating your partner to observe, then I can help interpret that observation and recommend next steps.

The pre-birth support and postpartum support are the same, in the virtual situation I just need to partner to communicate what’s happening if mom is unable to at the moment.

What qualifications does Stefanie have?
I was a Massage Therapist for 12 years which included advanced training in fertility enhancement, infant bonding, infant massage, craniosacral  therapy and pregnancy massage.
I am a certified birth doula with experience working in an out of hospital birth center, serving mothers in home, birth center and hospital for 9 years.
I am breastfeeding warrior navigating a very underdiscussed troubles of chronic low milk supply.  I’ve served on the focus groups of one published breastfeeding book and taught midwives and doulas how to support women in their feeding goals, while caring for baby and preserving their mental and emotional well being.

How Does the it Work?
After our free 30 minute consultation, you will sign the contact and payment is due at the time of signature.  I cannot hold dates until the fee is paid in full.  Next we will schedule three Zoom calls, first I’ll learn your unique needs and desires, next I will teach the basics of labor and delivery and finally will teach support and comfort measures. We will discuss how we will communicate in labor.

Once the contract is signed, I will be available by email, phone, text, video chat  24/7 from week 38-42 of your pregnancy.  I will not schedule any travel or engagements that would interfere with supporting your birth.

When you believe you may be in labor, or are in for a scheduled induction, you will CALL ME to let me know and we will be in contact as much as you need.  I can be supportive for laboring at home, recommend when safest to head in for care and will be available video, phone or email to support your labor progression.  I will remain available until 2 hours after birth.

Approximately 48 hours after birth I will have a video chat with you to check in, and a second one about 4 days after birth.  These are critical times for recovery and breastfeeding as well as the emotional support of newborn care.  Two weeks after birth, we will have our final video call to see how you re doing including a questionnaire for PPD.

What is the Goal?
My goal is to support you to have the EDUCATION  about each topic and the TOOLS to support you on your journey.  Some moms will need a cesarean, some moms will have low milk supply, some mothers will have six weeks off work, some 12, some will love being pregnant, others won’t.  There isn’t a right way to do birth.  But it is WRONG for mothers to feel alone, unsupported and uninformed.  Most of us aren’t used to advocating for ourselves, that’s where I help.  Because now, you are advocating for two (or more!)
Hire Me As Your Doula
You will be so glad you did!

Are you ready to partner with me?

You can have a positive birth experience.

Your partner can have a positive experience too.

You can head into the next phase of motherhood well supported for the challenges ahead.

Birth is one day, but how you feel about it can last a lifetime.

What You Get From Me
Education, Support, Guidance

1. Feel Empowered to Give Birth

You will learn about the labor process from false labor to delivery of the placenta. You will understand how the process works, what all those terms are your care provider throws around that might have otherwise made you dizzy with confusion.  

You don’t need an advanced  degree to understand how birth works. Because you know, you will feel confident going into the unknowns of labor. You will feel confident you can recognize the different suggestions your care provider offers and know which ones feel right for you.

2. Be Supported in Labor

Your partner will be equipped to support you physically and emotionally in your birth space.  This frees you up to be in tune with your body and stay in a healthy mindset through the physical work of labor.

I am by your side through the process.  That might be 3 hours, it might be 39 (or more).

3. A Clear Plan & Resources for Postpartum

Recovering from birth, adjusting to a new normal post-pregnancy are MAJOR challenges.  Bumps in the process are common, but when mamas are not supported and prepared a common problem can feel like a lost cause.  Enter the beauty of postpartum with a firm understanding of what that looks like physically and emotionally.  Gain and understanding of normal newborn development as well as the best way to feed your baby.  Asking for help is a sign of a strong mom.

What’s Included?

Prenatal Support

On Call weeks 38-42

Continuous Support in Labor

Postpartum Support


Copyright Stefanie Melo