Hey Mama!

I'm here to help you find ease as you build a healthy home environment for yourself and your family

What You'll Find in Sage Renegade Mamas

Foundational Essential Oil Education

Essential Oils are one of the simplest and easiest ways
to support common ailments.  Become confident in your
understanding & usage.

Food & Fitness
as the Basis for Health

Learn daily practices, simple recipes and exercise (that you can actually use as a busy mom), overhaul your pantry and routines.

Elevate Your Inner
Peace and Confidence

Learn how to kick toxicity to the curb in all areas of your life, better manage stress and keep yourself on track for positive change.

Cleanse Mind, Body 
& Spirit

Begin your transformation with resources to clean up your mindset around motherhood, tidy up your health habits without diet culture and make space for a vibrant spirtual life.
Ready to Make Wellness Simple?

Join Sage Renegade Mamas Today

In this Community You'll Get

  • One 45 minute coaching call per month to help you address concerns and move toward your goals.
  • Monthly Aroma Freedom Technique to help you become the highest version of yourself and release patterns that are holding you back.
  • Monthly Masterclass in Wellness
  • Weekly Wellness Tip
  • Discussion Community with Daily in-app coaching
PLUS: get get access to Monthly Masterclass in Holistic Motherhood including Montessori method, infant care, prenatal health, postpartum planning

Hey there! I'm SO glad you found me!

I'm Stefanie and I'm a mom of 5

For fifteen years, my deepest desire was to be a mother.  After a beautiful homebirth, I experienced trauma due to breastfeeding problems.  Navigating breastfeeding issues caused undiagnosed anxiety and resulted in self-isolation. 

I loved the baby and toddler years. However, my mental and emotional state, at that time, was dark.  As my family grew and the daily pressures increased, I reached a "boiling point" and knew that something had to change.

I started seeking the help I needed and implementing changes that brought me from complete overwhelm and frustration to experiencing joy and peace as my new normal.

I know that confident, joyful and peaceful mothering is available to you, and I'd love to help you experience it.  You can start right now, where ever you are.  

A Sage Renegade Mama knows better is possible.  She knows here children deserve holistic well being.  Mind, body and spirit well being are inseparable and here we honor that truth.  This group is a high-value resource provided for free for Young Living customers personally enrolled by Stefanie Melo and on participating in the Loyalty Rewards program at 100PV per month.  To get your access, click here to get my generally recommended products for mamas.  Looking for very specific support?  Click here to book a free consultation, I can make specific recommendations for a varieity of concerns inlcuding: PCOS, Pregnancy, Building a Birth Kit, Clean Household Products and helping your kiddo with colds. 

© Stefanie Melo


Copyright Stefanie Melo