My comprehensive prenatal & postnatal education and support program makes me your digital doula and allows you access to everything you have the right to know about:
- pregnancy
- birth
- postpartum
- newborn care
- infant feeding
All that expertise that Pilar referenced? It's exactly what you get when I am your Digital Doula.
On this episode I am honored to interview Sheetal on her experience working with me as a Newborn Care Specialist.
Sheetal experienced a pregnancy complicated by gestational hypertension, placental insufficiency, IUGR, a 6 week hospital stay, premature delivery and a NICU stay for her son.
I had the honor of working with Sheetal, her husband, newborn son from the time he came home from the NICU throughout most of their first year as parents.
Her story is so important to hear because most of us will experience unexpected, even undesired turns on our pregnancy, birth, postpartum or breastfeeding journey.
She bravely shares about her experiences highlighting the importance of
-focusing on her own health during pregnancy
-healing and recovering from the challenges
-navigating postpartum anxiety
-lactation in the NICU
-fortified breastmilk
I'm so honored to have worked with her family and that she took the time to be a guest. I know you'll love this episode.
Ready to have the ongoing support of a digital doula? Join me in Sage Mama Maternity and book your free consult today.